Warm greetings to you all, as term 3 comes to an end I would personally like to thank the staff, students, parents and community that have welcomed my family and I with open arms. We are settling into the area very well and besides the insanely unpredictable weather/wind, we are loving it! I am loving working with such a passionate staff who are so so so dedicated and enthusiastic about students succeeding and finding success in their learning!
The term has flown by in a whirl wind, that sometimes lets me touch the ground! This is the third school in which I have been in a management role. This term has highlighted how as school leaders the job descriptions don’t really change, we have similar ideas and expectations in each school, but ‘how’ that is carried out is completely different in every school. Thank you to staff for being patient and helping guide me into understanding the ‘East Way’ of doing things. With everyone’s support I can say I have had a great term and am very much looking forward to getting to know everyone better next term!
Some reminders for next term:
Attendance – I have analysed current attendance rates across the school. We have a group of students who are hovering around the 90% mark. These families will receive a friendly reminder letter to highlight that the attendance rate is below the desired level. We also have a group of students who have fallen below 85%. This is a cause for concern and these families will receive a formal notice from the school that attendance is way too low and if it actions are not taken to improve attendance we will be required to make a truancy referral.
Signing In at the Office – As part of student welfare and safety, and for evacuation purposes; we require all parents / visitors who are at school after 9.05am and before 2.55 pm (visiting classrooms, admin blocks and playgrounds) to sign in at the office and get an official visitors badge. Visitors waiting around the front of school (concrete are out front of the admin block) for pick-ups are not required to sign in.
Calendar art is coming up, the photos below feature art from rooms 9, 4, 2 and 1
DON’T FORGET IT IS WHEELIE DAY THIS FRIDAY! Please bring your helmet and safety gear. This is open to ALL children as a celebration of our wonderful learning this term. The $100 draw will take place at the assembly at the start of wheelie afternoon.