Class Programmes, Sports and Breakfast Club

Kia Ora te whanau, who can believe week 3 is here already! Its great to see our teaching staff enthusiastically delivering amazing programs across the school for your tamariki. A special congratulations to Caitlin and Sarah in Room 6, you are doing an incredible job of helping our littlest people become school kids. Your program is warm, friendly and engaging, with lots of learning opportunities for the children to shine and develop.

Thank you so very much to all parents who give up your time to support your children in the classrooms and with various programs. If you would like to help in any of the classrooms, please make a time that suits both you and the class teacher, to do so. For our programs to run smoothly and for children to be engaged, they need to be able to focus, so prior arrangements are both welcome and vital. Thank you for your understanding and support in this.

New sports kick off this week for our Year 5 and 6 children. Both Hockey and basketball are going to be exciting and another way for your child’s confidence and team building to grow. Check out the photos below and congratulations to the following East School students who have achieved highly in sports, we have Riley F-P, Lillie T and Ellie a who have been selected for the Waihi Year 6 Netball rep team. Riley has also been selected for the Thames Valley emerging talent day. Outstanding Braydon B and Dylan L who have been selected for the Central Region U10 inline hockey team and to Connor T who has been selected as a reserve goalie for the U12 team. ‘Way to go’ Waihi Under 8 Rugby team (bottom right) who won the Thames Valley competition this year.

Our Breakfast club needs a bit more excitement in it’s life! If you have some tinned peaches, cheese or anything else you think might be helpful, please send your donations to school to Mrs Laing - thanks so much!

As you are aware, it is Teacher Only Day tomorrow - this means there will be no staff on site to supervise your children. Instead our staff have a day of learning about neuro-science and how we can support brain development with our learning programs. Very exciting!

Nga mihiLeadership Team