Kia ora koutou. Ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you all.
We have quite a few events coming up that you need to know about and some that need your support. Check out photos below from some of our most recent ‘happenings’ i.e. the new layer of bark on the FORT playground and ‘Cowboy Stew’ on a cold Tuesday.
We are now ready to go ahead with this purchase for the families who would like to take advance of this opportunity. All Year 3-6 children will have been given a final information letter and the agreement to bring home today. The Agreement is due back at school by Friday 24th June.
Next Thursday 2nd June is the school cross country event. Each room needs parent helpers to walk with the class to Morgan Park. We will be leaving school at 11am and returning at 2pm. Please let your child’s teacher know if you can help. There is also a letter going home today requesting parents to help as Marshalls around the course. Please return this permission slip to ASAP to the school office if you can help. We are also asking that children run in sneakers as there might be prickles, gravel and glass to run over. We would be happy to accept donations of sneakers to distribute on the day.
We will be hosting a whānau roopu hui on Tuesday 7th June to confirm the events our school will participate in and to get more parent support for our involvement. We will meet in the staffroom at 2 p.m. All welcome.
Have a great week! Ngā mihi nui, Whaea Steph (Anich)