On Fridays during term 2 of 2016 from 9.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m. Waihi East Primary School senior students (rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 who collectively are called Kotuku) have electives. The junior school (Piwakwaka) also run a similar programme at the same time called ‘Discovery’. Nik L (room 4’s teacher) is co-ordinating the senior school electives, we are constantly on the ‘look out’ for parents/caregivers, grandparents or other whanau who would like to get involved as tutors in our electives programme i.e. we would like to run a bicycle repair and maintenance activity or have a group working on making go-karts from old lawn mower engines. We believe this is a wonderful opportunity to draw on the skills in our hapori whānui (wider community) and this type of interaction helps build positive relationships and a sense of belonging for all in the school/community.
Another current request is we need one or two adults from our school community to ride with the MTB elective group, for us to leave the school grounds on a bike ride we need a ratio of one adult for every five children, if you can assist Robbie Mc with the MTB Elective group add a comment below or contact Nik L or the Waihi East School office at (07) 863 9693.
Here is a list of the electives we are running with our Kotuku students at present:
- Nik L - What’s in our food? Shar’s info/healthy eating and cooking.
- Sarah W - Art with Sarah.
- Tenille H (Mischa’s Mum) - Crafts with T - making dream catchers and crafty things.
- Beryl H -Dance - Hip Hop.
- Rachael C - BP Technology Challenges
- Robbie Mc - Mountain Biking - biking expeditions.
- Louise T - Boot Camp exercise - tracking fitness.
- Sue B - cooking. > Discovery session - Tuakana - teina with Piwakawaka team.
The photos feature last Fridays (20.05.16) MTB elective group we had races around the bike track and used the undulations for a jumps competition, then we moved on to the community playground for some races using the fantastic range of equipment there.
MTB Elective (20.05.16)
Event 1- Laps of the Waihi East School Bike Track 1st - Cullum Mc, 2nd - Connor T, 3rd - Braydon B, 4th - Tyler T, 5th - Jackson W.
Event 2 - Jumps 1st = Callum Mc and David G, 3rd - Alex E-J, 4th -Jackson W, 5th - Braydon B, 6th = Tyler T and Connor T, 8th -Joshua Mc, 9th - Casey M, 10th-Kodie H.
Event 3- Community Playground Races
Section A 1st - Callum Mc, 2nd - Jackson W, 3rd = Connor T and Tyler T, 5th - Johnston C.
Section B 1st - Braydon B, 2nd - Ma’tais V, 3rd - Monika V, 4th - Nikora L-N, 5th - Arlo H.